Ringmaster Jesse put us through our hoops at today’s meeting, the 1500th, setting a fun-tone which continued in high spirits for the full 90 minutes.
In one month the club will celebrate its 35th anniversary marking it as one of the country’s more mature institutions and one with members whose apparent youth draws some inspiration from Dorian Gray.
We are lucky to have a club whose members span decades of experience and who spark life into each meeting.
Introduced and incisively evaluated by Joel, Garry gave a broad overview of our trade relations with China, asking us to consider our Government’s policy strategies toward this major market.
Johanna introduced Chris Jones who brought a perspective on our relationship with motor vehicles in the Bogan/Spiv universe.
Next up Grant’s ‘Out of Control’ card-sharpness had us enthralled with Gregorian similarities and mathematical weirdness, leading into the break and anniversary cake by Carol.
Table Topics were selected by each speaker from a list of momentous occasions, written up on the whiteboard by Robyn.
From the moon landing, Kennedy’s assassination, twin towers, our earthquakes and more, each subject was tackled and delivered with an original angle.
Victor's History of the Circus filled us with facts such as the standard size of a circus ring (42 metre diameter) and a lot of other crazy stuff, before evaluations and recommendations of speakers' accomplishments finished off the meeting.
To find out more about Sunrise Toastmasters and how it can help you with public speaking and leadership skills look around this website, Toastmasters International, Toastmasters NZ, or visit our Facebook page Hey Sunrise!