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A One Man Conservation Tornado

If Sunrise Toastmasters ruled the world, this planet would indeed be a finer place.

Values presented in members’ speeches range through altruism, common sense, humour, community engagement and conservation.

Member, Garry Musson doesn’t just speak about conservation, he spends much of his spare time and a lot of money cleaning up the Selwyn River by his home.

Willows, gorse, broom, hawthorn, old man's beard and other introduced vegetation are gradually being replaced with native plantings, taking the river back to its natural state.

This weekend Garry is picking up 800 native trees from Waiora, Otamatua and Trees for Canterbury, to be planted out around the springs that well up in the river.

“This is a huge step for us and so rewarding.” He says, noting that there will be full-on hard work over the next few weeks getting these into the ground.

As well as the change in flora along the river and around Garry’s home, native bird populations are thriving. Fantails, Silvereye, Kingfisher, pukeko, herons and the amazing royal spoonbills have all been spotted in the area in recent times.

Predators and possums have been strongly discouraged from entering Garry’s domain.

In his recent presentation, Garry encouraged us to take responsibility for all Canterbury rivers, pointing out how many areas have become dumping grounds for rubbish, and old car bodies and where out-of-control exotics are ruining natural watercourses both physically and aesthetically.

Tidying up all of Canterbury’s rivers is a huge task, but it can begin at a personal level and through engagement with conservation groups.

Small steps by many in clearing junk and replacing much of the introduced flora with indigenous plantings will slowly change our river environs to become more attractive to native bird life and human recreational experience.

Garry’s stretch of the Selwyn presents a microcosm of how all of Canterbury’s rivers might be changed for the better if we become more aware and engaged.

Sunrise Toastmasters meets every Thursday morning. Members present entertaining, quality speeches and assist anyone wanting personal development, upgrading their public speaking, confidence or leadership skills.

Contact details are at the bottom of this page.


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