2022 05 30 - 0022 hrs
Attention Sunrisers
You should be aware that I have taken over this organisation.
The rostered Toastmaster is unavailable. A coup has taken place. I will be your exalted leader this week.
Firstly Forgie - Your task is to kick butt - get the rabble and others on side, bringing them to terms with my position whether they want to or not.
Patterson - You are my enforcer and there is no better henchperson I might have chosen. Get henching.
Reilly - Your IRA background will bring shivers of respect and I expect no less. Taylor will know that he has been introduced by the time he appears before us.
Taylor - You better have the goods for 5 to 7 or give me a heads up now.
King - It is some time since we’ve enjoyed your presence so your sharpness should be honed to diamond razor wire now. I want to see an incisive penetration of Beach, so incisive you could lay it out on a pathologist’s table and identify the thinking processes in the wrinkles of grey matter.
Beach - As your name suggests such places as Dunkirk, I will not be happy until I see you charge upon enemy positions with guns ablaze and determination to take no prisoners. I expect you will achieve this assault within 7 minutes. Let me know if you anticipate hidden minefields or armoured resistance.
Woods - You need to expose Johnson’s desires without prejudice. I want the full monty this Thursday or there will be disappointment in the ranks, and this group gets ugly when disappointment raises its gnarly head. We don't want this group any uglier than they are.
Johnson - 15 to 20 minutes is a big ask but you have got it. Just don’t expect us to hold our collective breath through the last 10 minutes or there will be corpses aplenty and you will have Patterson to answer to. Be warned, deliver the goods, or the Feds are going to find out where you buried the worm farm.
Clemence - Watch out for Taylor, he comes across as a perfect gentleman, but so did Jack the Ripper. Keep your distance and be ready with your shiv.
Rae - You will only survive Beach’s onslaught if you found good cover. Wait till you see the white of his eyes then perform your duty bravely.
Dugdale - You must remain awake, I know it will be difficult as you are the lone bastion confronted with 20 minutes from a rigorous garden-holic. Be brave, you are our great hope.
Joyce - We meet again Moriarty. I see through your disguise immediately. So can you do it all again? I think not… Ha ha ha.
Black, Coleman, McKillop, Davey, Brar, Deans, Mitchell, Musson, Cawley, Burt, Gamperle - We all know that some of you will not return from doing your duty, but do it you must. Just remember Falla is watching every move, recording very utterance, waiting... Give him no quarter.
Falla - Take no prisoners, I’m looking for troopers who can last the distance, who aren’t afraid to show their soft underbelly’s as well as their garnet-hard impenetrable skulls. No place for namby pamby, sooky suck-ums in my unit.
Finally Leaman - Company Sergeant Major. You are my disciplinarian. I hope you bring your whistle. I find nothing pulls a team into line as much as a hard-ass QSM with a whistle. Lights are namby pamby, sooky suck-ums, and you already know what I think about that. Lights can be ignored. A blast on a silver whistle will stop transgressors in their tracks. Your report will filed and used in future purges.
Looking forward to seeing you Thursday
(Cmdr) Jones
2022 05 31 - 0021 hrs
There have been changes to our strategies.
We will establish a forward post as above but Beach has taken one for the platoon. His Batperson King has also gone down with a flack injury. Beach is replaced by Davey who will appear with her wingman Deans who is presenting rumblings of namby-pamby. I don’t abide namby-pamby so we are sending him straight over the top as the first wave.
Once Deans has risen to the occasion and cleared the minefield by running really fast, Davey will clear up the remains with incisive commentary.
I don't need to mention, Rae that you will now be point-man for Davey. So I won’t.
See the final action plan [Below]
Synchronise you watches everyone.
And So It Was on Thursday 2 June at 7am
D-Day minus 96 hours
….Same as it ever was.
The Meeting
Running in relative time shifts that Einstein would have commended, everyone was kept on point through the constant urge to over-run allocated times. Adjusting to the situation everybody present achieved their moment in No-man's Land.
Three very different speeches held the audience’s attention and later a run of impromptu Table Topics provided saltpetre into a gunpowder meeting, lighting our charge into the world.
Come along at 7.00am on a Thursday to get fired up for the rest of the week.
Contact details are hidden on this site.