Confronted by discarded face masks, wrappers, cans, bottles and bits littering the streets of his neighbourhood, Terry Mitchell is doing something about it.
Firstly, once a week when he takes his bins out for collection day, he scouts the nearby environment and picks up any litter and disposes of it.
Secondly, this man of action keeps fit on regular walks and gathers up rubbish as he goes. Again taking personal responsibility for its disposal.
He is making a change to his neighbourhood and it is not costing him a great effort he says.
Terry is setting an example, walking the walk.
But now he is also talking the talk.
In his speech this week Terry revealed that this desire for tidy neighbourhoods is becoming a passion.
He is making a difference to his local environment and would like to see others take a similar interest in their own locales.
It only takes a small local effort, and if everyone looked just that little further than their own driveway, the streets of Christchurch would quickly take on a far better appearance.
Terry wants us to all take more responsibility for our near environment. If we all do our bit we could clean up Christchurch, one street at a time, in no time at all.
His passion connected with many at this weeks meeting.
Lets follow Terry’s leadership and begin on the streets outside our homes. The whole city will look better as we follow Terry's lead.
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