Beyond naked, Napoleon Bone-Apart led the way, while Doggy Liza came a clothes-less second at Sunrise Toastmasters Clothing Optional Meeting.
Although Napoleon looked like something one might bury in the garden, Liza was wise to the PVC imposter, choosing instead to sniff about the audience, which remained rugged up on this cold June morning.
Boned-up on ergonomics, Paul Deans demonstrated the essentials of human movement, referring to Napoleon and largely ignoring Liza.
Earlier, George Taylor, an Insurance Man from way back, visited a time beyond and gave a low-down on the birth of Insurance and the Great Fire of London. With old map and pointy stick, he became the Google Earth of another time, leading us down Pudding Lane to fire-source and reason to avoid old puddings.
Gemma Woods would save the woods, whales and world if she could. With props and graphics, she presented a concise speech about Sustainable Hair Salons and the savings they make globally. We learned of the reconstitution of aluminium foils, paper, plastic squeeze caps and tubes, through to human hair as oil slick booms.
Jill Forgie gave potential ‘Table Topics’ candidates written notes and an easy subject to develop their ‘Mini Speeches’. The exercise proved valuable, as every presentation brought laughter, recognition and entertainment.
Evaluators added value to the meeting, assisting in developing everyone’s presentation abilities.
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Further information about Sunrise Toastmasters is on this site.