Toastmasters enhance their own speaking abilities by listening to the presentations of others and then evaluating what they have experienced.
Giving feedback with commendations and recommendations increases the skills of both speaker and listeners.
Once a year we have Evaluation Contests where the skills of evaluating are compared.
A guest speaker presents a rehearsed speech and members of the club evaluate them.
After hearing the speech the competition contestants leave the room and return individually to present an evaluation of that speech.
This week our guest speaker spoke on the subject of sexual harassment, entertainingly raising issues and asking questions to engage with the audience.
We had four evaluation competitors.
All contestants presented well and the winner was Johanna King, whose incisive and well presented evaluation brought her the top spot.
She and second placed Victor Gamperle will proceed to the district competition.
You can increase your public speaking skills simply by listening and learning from others.
Using that knowledge and then practicing in a supportive environment you will become far more comfortable in presenting to any group. Pathways toward individual goals are available, spanning leadership through to stand up comedy.
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