Some Sunrise Toastmasters have been known to race down the road to Vics Cafe after the morning meeting to be first in line for breakfast.
Those who don't need to rush off to work often continue for a while at the fave cafe for anything from a simple Americano to a Full Fry Up.
Jordan's inspiration for the meeting was a story of being a relative learner and finding himself at the top of a Black Diamond Ski Run. He likened his launch onto the near vertical slope with the experience of speaking to a room full of people, with a similar adrenaline payback.
Toastmaster Kathy linked the meeting with references to a publication ‘How To Be Interesting’ and pointers such as to ‘Investigate the Obscure.’
George hissed the word of the day ‘Sibilate,’ which was ssatissfactorily ssampled by sseveral sspeakers.
Did anyone else know the meaning of BRHC* before Sean in his typical relaxed & humorous manner brought us his 21 Life Hacks with a useful accompanying print-out?
Tom kept us alert with his speech ‘Making the Unconscious Bias Conscious,’ which with rehearsal could become a strong contender for the coming International Speech Competition.
On the eve of another OE, Victor employed the Sound Of Silence with but one cursory nod to S&G. The effectiveness of silence in various situations was well described with confidence and humour.
Table topics brought varied stories with the top of the day award going to first-time-visitor Jemima.
Anyone can develop their public speaking skills at Sunrise Toastmasters, join us at 7.00am any Thursday at Christchurch’s Knox Centre, 28 Bealey Ave.
*Bottom Right Hand Corner