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Writer's pictureChris


Jill brought a reminder how our life choices are often at the whim of the Fickle Mistress of Fate.

She took us on a journey through a series of good fortune and bad fortune events to a weekend away. Then when our hearts were lifted with her gathering events of good fortune, struck with, and twisted a knife of sadness that effected all members of the audience.

An effective speech but one which could have been improved as Garry noted during his evaluation.

Evaluations are a valuable part of the Toastmaster experience which help everyone to improve their skills to keep us on our mettle no matter how experienced we are.

Lydia gave a speech requiring audience participation. This had a good outcome for all as she took us on her journey; a journey which also gave us an insight into how other peoples live’s may often need have very different priorities than our own.

Eleanor brought us the new executive and had each explain their roles with questions and considerations from audience members, particularly about the continuation of the current manual system and the newly prescribed ‘Pathways’.

Tom is now producer of the weekly newsletter and the possibilities of others contributing to the publication on a rostered basis was raised, though without any firm resolution so far.

Earlier, Inspirer Jordan gave attention to the leadership President Marg had brought to all through the last year.

Jordan’s generous and cheerful presentation struck a home run for everyone.

Today was one members birthday and all did their bit to help celebrate as demonstrated in the photo.

Thank you Sunrise Toastmasters!

Everyone gains from our Thursday morning meetings, through the entertainment, speaking experience or evaluation skills.

Come along for the Sunrise Toastmasters experience at 7.00 Thursday Mornings. See the Location page.

Phone Chris 021 126 0590

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