This morning, a Tornado ripped trail greets us at 28 Bealey Avenue.
Sun rises, casting rays along a Pathway to Somewhere.
But no, surely this is grander than a Pathway.
This is a road.
Yellow and brick, leading to an Emerald City terminus of answers.
“Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore.”
Her name isn’t Dorothy but she is so full of optimism, “Once you know what you are doing,it’s quite straightforward.”
No Wicked Witch, whether of the West, East, North, South, Area, District or Division will perturb us.
Jessica is our guru.
With Tin Man, Lion and Scarecrow riding shotgun, she points toward a rosy future.
So, departing the cuddle blanket of Munchkin Land, we venture through Powerpoint Land adjacent to Internet Land.
Here time may stall, but, we are advised, all will eventually happen.
This is not a land in which to follow intuition, but rather a place to have faith in the PROGRAM.
The PROGRAM is the Wizard.
The answer to all our needs, the Heart, Courage, Brains and The Way Home we desire.
Interrupting our journey, Tin man reveals Toto’s true pedigree to be Husky, sharing his knowledge of doggy doings before relinquishing the spotlight back to Jessica.
Presently, Jessica is clicking the heels of her ruby slippers three times and repeating “There is no place like Sunrise.”
Suddenly, in a scorch of white light, we are back in Kansas.
Just when all seems safe, Lion springs winged monkey envelopes and questionaires upon us. Some look toward the rainbow of escape, though none dare attempt venturing over.
Not as fearsome as she first appears, Lion soon is spreading chocolate all about and commending Munchkins.
This is a cue for Scarecrow to evaluate the Oz experience, The Rainbow and Pathway presented, followed by a rogue Munchkin, stopwatch in hand, who berates all sub-achievers, revealing the Wizard to be nothing but a trick behind a cypher.
Somewhere Over the Block, some venture for breakfast.
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