The buzz wasn’t of happy little bees with a new nectar discovery - it was from the lively intercourse of friendly connections, before the first meeting of spring.
The warmth wasn’t from the early sunshine beaming through the windows, it was from the genuine happiness of Sunrise members meeting together after six days of separation.
This week there were prepared speeches from Mike, Victoria and Paul.
The subjects were money, moonshine and meditation.
Table Topics were a typical treat and I’ll abort this alliteration addiction ASAP.
Life can be just too much fun!
We get so much variety and good ideas from our meetings.
We also have the occasional reflective times such as this being Garry Musson’s last meeting before he and Anita head off to a new life in Havelock, Marlborough.

Garry has been a Toastmaster for over 26 years contributing to our green conscience by keeping the environment close to the surface of our experiences.
Not only a passionate and persuasive speaker, Garry also spent years reshaping his piece of paradise by the Selwyn River, planting thousands of native trees and shrubs while clearing the bubbling springs of exotic detritus and enhancing that location downstream for decades.
An unforgettable character, he will leave a hole in our club that will take some time to grow over. We look forward to his visits when tempted to drift South from his Marlborough paradise.
Next week, Jill has twisted an upset with a backward meeting.
Tiaw tonnac I.
You are welcome to come along to Sunrise Toastmasters on a Thursday morning to experience great people, great ideas and fun while developing your communication and leadership skills.
Contact details are on this page.