Kate Sheppard joined Sunrise Toastmasters in spirit on Thursday morning.
Toastmaster Chris McCabe set the theme which was embraced by many participants.
Jill related a touching personal story of her Great Grandmother which segued into that of her mother with a subtext of women’s social progress through to the present.
Joel very effectively contrasted the typical lifestyle of a woman in the 1880s with that of modern woman.
With the title ‘If It Walks Like a Duck & Talks Like a Duck,’ Johanna successfully delivered an entertaining and informative speech about the biggest copyright case to play out in NZ .
Amber had well prepared her Table Topics around the Suffrage theme and gave a variety of thoughtful cues which were often very well developed by participants.
Tom took the prize for the best of the day.
Word of the day was ‘Vulnerable’ which a surprising number of Toastmasters managed to slip into their presentations.
A very informative and entertaining morning with some useful evaluations (from John, Jordan, Kathy and Marg) to be considered by the speakers.